Monday, January 16, 2006

New Memories

This was the topic at widow group tonight. How sad it is that there will never be new memories with our husbands. And the memories that we have are starting to fade. I hadn't thought about the no new memories concept.

I really need to cherish the memories that I have. I think tomorrow's post will be some of my favorite (publishable) memories.

But this picture is one of my favorites. Joe and Jacob. So happy. So peaceful together. Father and son.




ramblingmuse said...


I get sad too when I think back on all the stuff my dad missed/will miss out on. And yah...lots of fuzzy memories. :-(

But you know...the essence of that love remains. That's the part you hold on to.

Love the pics! You are SO blog savvy now! :-)

b said...

Thanks for your comments.

RM, How old were you when your dad died?

Jen, Thanks, I appreciate it.

Walter, I know what you mean. One of the first things my sister pointed out after Joe died, was that the boys will never really know him, so to them he will always be a hero. They'll never see all of the bad stuff that goes along with being a person. And they'll never see Joe in a crappy mood, etc. They'll most likely only hear positive stories about him, and for that I am thankful.

Sorry your dad wasn't the best.

b said...

They go to sleep between 5:30 and 6:00, and sleep until 7AM. They are awesome sleepers.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite pics. Jacob will treasure it I'm sure.

ramblingmuse said...


I was 16 when he passed away, so he missed out on a lot...imagine all the things from high school graduation onward...

I know he was there - is here - for a lot of my milestones...but it's just not the same. :-(


I still have moments of "panic" from time to time when I can't remember little details of a memory. But then there are other moments when I just *know* what advice he'd give me in a given situation or what his reaction to something would be. I'm sure you know what I mean.


Mrs. G.F. said...

What a great picture.


Someday Jacob will look at that and will be able to see how much his Dad adored him.

It must make you really miss him...

so sorry. (hug)

b said...

I wish I did have more, but we didn't have a digital camera while Joe was alive. I'm thinking of taking pictues of photographs. I'll post more later. Thanks for your support!