Sunday, January 15, 2006

More About My Day

Someone recently wrote a rant on the widow board entitled, "They're your kids too." Basically the rant was about when you're at your wit's end with your kids, and you say to your husband/wife, "They're your kids too. I need a break." And you take the break you so very much need.

When Jacob was a baby, on weekends I would do the first shift with him. That would usually be from 6 am-8am. Then I would go back to sleep, and Joe would do the second shift. I'd sleep until 10 or so. Then Jacob would be down for a nap, and Joe and I would have time together.

And when Jacob was sick, or teething, or just being a pain in the ass, we could take turns dealing with him.

Today was one of those days where we were stuck in the house (due to the weather) and the boys were making me crazy. They just wouldn't stop fighting and whining, and well...acting their ages. And I just wanted to take a shower, or a nap, or read the paper. I just wanted a break.

And it hit me. I am a single parent. And I am not cut out to be, nor did I choose to be a single parent.

Being a mom is hard. But being a mom with no dad just sucks.

Don't get me wrong, I love my boys more than anything in the world. I will always be grateful that Joe and I created them together, and that they will be a reminder to me of him.


How did this happen? How is this my life?

Thanks for all of your kind words of support.



Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say other than that you are a FANTASTIC mom - single or otherwise. I know this wasn't the plan, but you are incredibly strong and I know you can do it. The boys are incredibly lucky to have you.

I know this doesn't speak to the fact that you have to do it alone. That sucks. There's no other way to say it. But remember, you are amazing.

ramblingmuse said...

Yep. Today was one of those days, I see. Just get through it the best way you can and remember tomorrow is a new beginning.


Anonymous said...

Well said! We all know how much you love the boys, but everyone needs a break now and again. Especially, when dealing with whining, fighting kids! You're right it sucks, and it's really not fair. But, we all know life isn't fair. I'm sorry you had a rough day. Tomorrow will be better.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya does get a bit easier as they get older, but it still sucks!!! Jack had a particularly whiny weekend, and it was SOOOO hard.

Mrs. G.F. said...

In not the same way AT ALL, I can relate to the long day alone.
You know my husbands job keeps him away for 12 to 14 hours a day when he works.
I had that kind of day yesterday myself (we prob had the same bad weather.) There's only so much play-do to do, or artwork, or cars. It gets so boring for you and them, ick.

As my Mom used to tell me, there are some days you just get through, and that's a great parenting job too. If you are doing your job when you don't have any desire to do it, you are a fabuluos parent, even if you don't feel like you are.

Keep on plugging....

and we have yet another great New England day ahead of us!!! :)

((( MK ))) said...

Hey B... as J. Ro says, everyone needs a break now and then. And like anon. says, I think you're a great mom. And like all of your friends, I can clearly see that your boys think that too, as cranky as they can sometimes be.

Nice work with the blog stuff, btw... lemme know if you need more help. All looks good though!