Sunday, January 15, 2006

I learned some cool new tricks today. MK
came over to help me figure out how to add links to my blog. Thanks, MK. Everyone should check out his cool blog here. He's running the Boston Marathon, and his blog is all about his training process, as well as the music he listens to while he's training.

I have to go write report card comments now. Last night it took me three hours to write 5 comments. Think I overanalyze each one? When I'm done I'll add all of you fellow bloggers that I know read me regularly to my sidebar. Yay! Thanks, MK!



((( MK ))) said...

You're welcome, B!

You're going to love all the things you can do with the blog. And thanks so much for the plug, too. Too bad my latest post is more of a rant... and I really don't have too many rants. I have my days, I guess. C'est la vie.

Hope you had an enjoyable and successful afternoon with the boys.... :)

ramblingmuse said...

You overanalyze? Naaah...! You're just a conscientious teacher who is very thorough with your reviews. :-P

Don't work too hard!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you learned new tricks today. I know you'll figure out how to make them work soon... :o)

Especially sorry that you had to end a hard day with report cards. Yuck! But thanks for helping to make sure I got mine done. :o)m