Thursday, January 19, 2006

Let's Talk About Sex

Ok, before all of my friends and family get freaked out that I'm about to share information that they don't want to know, let me explain.

Patrick (remember, the guy who made up the cheer with me?) is a youth group leader for his church. He claims that this church is not really religious, and that this youth group has nothing to do with religion.

They are going to be having a youth group weekend retreat where the topic guessed it, sex.

He and his co-leaders are trying to compile a list of the top 10 things they wish they had been told about sex when they were in high school. I told him that I would help the cause, and post his mission here.

edited for clarification: they are not teaching abstinence. This is basically a sex ed course for kids who may have misconceived ideas about sex. However, my # 10 is really pretty much a joke. I wouldn't expect Patrick to teach them that one. So let's make this top ten list a funny one, ok?

So, let's make this list, shall we?

(I'll start, but please feel free to join in)

10. The first time hurts more than anyone could ever possibly warn you. And so does the second, third, fourth, and fifth time. Then it starts to improve. But it takes quite a while for it to become good. So my lesson for the high schoolers and to just keep sticking with it! (I'm going to Hell for sure.)



Mrs. G.F. said...

Is the youth group retreat to talk about sex and abstinence, or just what they want to knwo about sex?

Mrs. G.F. said...

I hate typos, I meant know, not knwo.

b said...

Walter, see you there!

Everyone else, read the edited version. Does that help? Or should I delete this entry b/c it's too confusing?

Anonymous said...

Make sure you KNOW that nobody's coming home!

Anonymous said...

It's a retreat for your average high schooler. And although we are affiliated with a church, we will not be taking any sort of stand whatsoever on what people should or should not be doing.

It's going to be a lot of question and answer time, and we have a professional psychiatrist to do most of the talking.

So if you can think back to your high school days and remember anything that you were misinformed about or were too scared to ask your health teacher, post it.

hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

For the funny list...

9. They should teach them all about the various toys available such as the Safari.

For the real list...

9.That you can get pregnant even doing it just once...even if someone doesn't come inside you. Teach them about pre-ejaculation. You must use b.c. or a condom to be safe.

Does that help Patrick?

What a topic for 8:48 AM! It goes hand in hand with the book I'm reading...Confessions of a Naughty Mommy.

((( MK ))) said...

Funny list: make sure the kitchen table isn't cheap and about to fall apart.

Real list: oral sex is a form of sex... i.e., it's more than "just making out."

I find it very disturbing when I see 12-year olds on the news talking about it like it's as routine as a peck on the cheek or blowing (pun not intended) bubble gum bubbles. I know the average age you'll be dealing with is probably 15 or 16, but it's still a good thing to talk about.

Mrs. G.F. said...

Real list - buddy system. If the girls are at a party with alcohol, and they choose to drink, they need to keep a girlfriend with them at all times.

Funny one - Don't have one!! Yikes. I may be back....

Anonymous said...

The TV show South Park featured an episode on sexual education (episode #507, "Proper Condom Use") in which Mr. Garrison's kindergarten class listed all the sexual "positions" they could think of, which included the donkey punch.

Mrs. G.F. said...

Oh my god anon, That was the BEST South Park ever. I died laughing on that one. :D

Highlandgal said...

#? Sex is very powerful. You can get hooked. Then you'll find yourself making stupid assed decisions, thinking with your "parts" rather than your brain.

Anonymous said...

I found out what Donkey Punch and Tony Danza are... oh my!