Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Food Diary
(Starting Atkins tomorrow, didn't have the right food for it today)

2 scrambled eggs


weight watchers frozen meal

(over the course of afternoon)
small bag pretzels
carrot sticks
green beans

boiled artichokes
tuna fish

sugar free popsicle

30 minutes elliptical


Anonymous said...

not bad, my friend.

I really believe exercise is the key so I am proud of you for using the elliptical--I think that is a great all-around machine.

ramblingmuse said...

It's a good start!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I can guarantee (not an easy word to spell) that there were no secret m&m snacks.

J.Rowe said...

Nice job with elliptical...RAD is right...exercise is the key to it all! Good luck with the Atkins.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I don't really know you, but I am impressed with your efforts to get your life back on track and to live again! Good for you! Exercise is super important and it does wonders for both your physical and mental health. However, I would recommend to include some weight training in your regime. Mostly core (abs and stuff) and leggs. You can do squats and lunges. This is because cardio burns fat, but it also burns muscle and you need muscle mass to burn more calories. If you want to make your weight training into a cardiovascular exercise, you should try circuit training, where you do a series of exercises over several times. For example. You can do a set of squats, lunges, and then some abs... and repeat 3 times. This way, you are also training your energy systems. Stick to high reps in order to stay lean. Pilates is really good too, if you have time.
Best of luck!

b said...

Thanks! Will take your advice into account!

M said...

I am in awe! YOu are amazing. Keep it up. :o)