Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This May Seem Unbelievable
(but it's a true story)

Two Saturday nights ago, my household got a visit from Joe. I was awakened at 3 AM because I heard Jacob speaking loudly in his crib. He was clearly having a conversation with someone, and the conversation was so clear, I felt the need to investigate.

I went into his room, and watched him, still sleeping, talk to Joe. He was talking about building a sand castle with him, and answering all sorts of questions. He kept referring to "daddy." It freaked me outs so much, that I actually woke Jacob up, by gently rubbing his back. He stopped talking, and I went back into my room.

Within minutes of getting into bed, my visit came through. I can only describe it as a windstorm around me. The force of the wind was unbelievably strong. And with the wind came Joe's voice. We had an entire back a conversation. And he left me feeling slightly freaked out, but mostly peaceful.

I shared this story with very few people, b/c I know how crazy it sounds. If it didn't happen to me, I doubt I would believe it.

But last night at widow group, I shared the story with those who hadn't been present last week. And as I was sharing it, Linda, who had been there last week, interrupted and said she was wondering from reading my blog, if that's why Jacob is suddenly scared of the wind. And that question literally took my breath away. I don't know why that thought had never crossed my mind.

If you have seen Jacob in the past couple of weeks, you know that he has a true fear of the wind. And I've really been at a loss as to why. But if he experienced the same wind effect that I did, it would make complete sense to me.

So that's my story. Do with it as you please.



Leslie said...

Wow! That is an amazing story. I believe it. Does Jacob remember it happening?

b said...

I don't know. He's a few months shy of 3 years old, so it's sometimes hard to get information from him. He doesn't mention his dad too often, and has no memories (that I know of) of him. That's why Jacob speaking to him so clearly made me really believe that it was a visit.

M said...

I believe. There's been too many signs pointing towards the reality for it not to be true.

StringMan said...

That would really have me freaked out, for sure, too, b. I don't understand the spirit world. I sometimes wonder why they continue to hang around. Do they need our permission to leave?

b said...

I think they do need our permission to leave. And I'm not ready to give it yet. I'm not sure when I will be ready.

Dial-Up Princess said...

Wow. I believe you. *hugs*

Erin said...

I completely believe you. I have chills, as I can only imagine how it felt for you. Amazing.

ramblingmuse said...

Oh, wow. I think you did mention the wind-thing and Jacob's fear of it previously.

I got chills just reading this.

Dunno what to say...!


Mrs. G.F. said...


Anthony said...

That left me completely speechless.

Kel said...

I believe you. My Mother/Grandmother had many experiences after my Grandfather passed away. I didn't really believe them until I experienced some for myself.

So no I don't think you are crazy.

allison said...

Wow, that gave me the chills!

Anonymous said...

WOW. I've never had anything happen like that with Big Jack. But I've heard enough similar stories to believe 100% in what you've said. Your friend's observation about why Jacob is afraid of the wind sounds spot on to me...gives me absolute chills.

I hope that you feel some sense of peace, my friend...