Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Picture This

It's the end of the school day. Kids are packing up to go. I witness M smack R on the butt. It wasn't a hard smack, but a smack nonetheless.

So I call M over in my mean teacher voice (gotta love the mean teacher voice).

me: What made you smack R?

M: khvfdefgierglig (Really. couldn't understand a syllable)

me: excuse me?

M: His butt cheek was annoying me

I kid you not. This was his excuse. I have never, in my 9 years of teaching, heard such an excuse before.

I ended up laughing.

Bad teacher.

Tomorrow I'll fill out an incident report. Today I'll keep laughing.



M said...

It's hard not to laugh at M

Anonymous said...

I just laughed so hard that I snorted. (insert red face here)

Thanks for sharing!!!

StringMan said...

Oh, that's great! Definitely deserves to slide on that answer. Really, sometimes you just have to take action when something annoys you :)

Leila said...

hehehe that's so cute! and downright hilarious!

ramblingmuse said...


Anonymous said...

I will post what I said to B earlier when I first was told about this event:

'If there was ever a butt cheek that was going to be annoying, it would be R's'

What's a little butt slap between friends though? I didn't see it, but if it was not malicious, I don't think M needs to be written up for it.

Erin said...

LOL... That is hilarious!! And you aren't a bad teacher for laughing!

Anonymous said...

so I have to ask, what sex are R and M? Same or different?

b said...

both boys

allison said...

Will something actually be done about that? At my school, I'd probably be laughed at for writing that up. Not that they're for sexual harrassment or anything, we just have an awful support system when it comes to behavior.

I am currently counting down the 27 days I have left to teach in the public school system. For a while anyway. Behavior is at an all time awful high and support/consequences are at an all time awful low.


b said...

If I did file a report (which I didn't end up doing), a copy would have gone home to his parents, a copy would have gone to the principal, and a copy would go in his record. He would have then had to fill out a "make a better choice" form. Our principal is pretty good when it comes to discipline issues. Sorry you're having such a frustrating time at your school.