Wednesday, June 21, 2006

To Nick

So Nick has disabled his comments option once again, so I need to resort to leaving him a message here, with the hope that he actually reads here once in a while.

Anyways, I finally heard a song by Mason Jennings on the radio today, and I loved it. I didn't expect his music to be so calming and beautiful. The song they played made me tear up, and I thought of you and your wife singing it to your baby.

Felt the need to share.



Nick and Amy said...

That is soooo sweet! Thanx B! His music is so beautiful, you'll love it.

Nick said...

I read. I'm glad you heard him and liked him. Of course all the hundreds of posts I've written about him, posting his .mp3s, linking to his site... apparently did no good, but whateva. At least you like him :)

Spread the word. We're going to his concert Friday. I'll post about it.

btw - comments are evil.

b said...

I read all your posts about him, but for whatever reason assumed his music was heavy metal (is that a musical genre these days?)

Nick said...

Because I am so about heavy metal :)

b said...

LOL! I have no idea why I assumed that. Am looking forward to reading about the concert.

Congrats on your diploma, BTW! I'm sure many others are wishing you would allow comments so they could say the same :O)