Sunday, May 07, 2006

Things I Don't Miss

When someone you love dies, it's natural to turn them into a perfect person. I most definitely have not done that with Joe, but I am reminded of the things I miss about Joe far more frequently than I'm reminded of the things that I do not miss.

This morning I was reminded of something that I do not miss about Joe.

I was making coffee, and somehow one scoop missed the coffee pot, and landed on the counter. I of course wet a paper towel and cleaned up the grinds, as most people would do.

Joe however, missed the pot every single day. Coffee grinds would land on both the counter and the floor. But for some reason, Joe wouldn't clean it up. Ever.

I'm not sure if he really didn't notice the mess, or if he just didn't care.

But every single day, I would come home from work to find the counter and floor littered with coffee grinds. I would then clean them up because I couldn't handle the mess. And in doing so, I was simply reinforcing this behavior. But I would be pissed off.

One time my sister actually witnessed the scene. She was in shock. No description I could give, would do the scene credit.

But it's funny how I forgot about it until today's accident. And of course the memory made me smile now that I don't have to deal with it on a daily basis anymore.

It's good to remember the imperfections I think. Not that I wouldn't take them back in a heartbeat if I could have him with them, but still, it's good to remember.



Anonymous said...

I will now think of Joe, every single freakin' day when my husband does this!!!! (and while I curse him openly for doing so.)


M said...

Maybe I'll start a post on my blog. All the things that partners do that drive us crazy!!!!!!

That would definitely make me crazy. But I have to say, I'd probably pick it up too. :o)

Maisy said...

I do NOT miss his snoring.....!!!


MacGuffin said...

This is an excellent subject for a blog all its own, I think. The things that drove me craziest about my ex were always small things, like the fact that she frequently forgot where she put her keys. She could remember when all the bills were due, every deadline she had, most deadlines *I* had, and the tone in my voice in an argument from five years earlier. But her keys went missing with regularity. I never understood it.

Oddly, however, I alway knew exactly where they were.

Anonymous said...

I spill grounds over everything I own every single morning. I am basically covered in coffee grounds as I leave my house. There are typically heaps of it on my eyelids. But still, I have to be the one who makes the coffee every single freaking morning.

Alicia said...

I do NOT miss having to close a cupboard door every time I walk into the kitchen.

Dial-Up Princess said...

Interesting post. I dont miss plenty of things about my ex hubby. Most notably the snoring and the fact he was neat one in our relationship. I HATED the superior tone in his voice during our arguments...thats just the tip of the iceberg, i could go on but you just gave me an idea for a blog post...thanks B

Mrs. G.F. said...


those annoying things about living with someone!!


Funny how that habit came back to you. You def, must have chuckled.

Anonymous said...

I like imperfections even if they do drive you mad after a while.

My ex used to keep having a go at me because I often stare into space. Conversely I used to get annoyed at her constantly asking me what's on my mind when I do so. It wasn't so much that she kept asking it was more that she never believed me when I said nothing which is EXACTLY what the case was. For some reason I just sort of tune out from the world and literally NOTHING goes through my head. try telling that to someone and they somehow think it's impossible for no thoughts to occur.

But the one thing that seems to have annoyed all my girlfriends has been my tapping of my feet. It's not so much a tapping in that my feet leave the ground but I sort of bounce my feet on my toes when I'm sitting down. I'm not sure why I do it and I certainly don't do it consciously but by nature I'm very fidgety and it seems to annoy girls more than boys.

But my god, don't ever tell your girl that she has habits that annoy you. ;-)

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh so hard ...I remember how crazy it usd to make you....N