Friday, May 05, 2006

Other Happenings

I didn't want to interrupt the flow of the death story to share other news, but now I feel free to share. I'm getting married.

hee hee. That was a joke. Just trying to see if you're really paying attention.

Anyways, what I really wanted to post about was my outing on Wednesday afternoon. I was dreading going home, so I picked the boys up from daycare, picked the puppy up from the house, and headed to our local pet store.

While we were slowly perusing the dog toys, the pet store was robbed! By a guy with a gun! He held the gun up to the manager, got the keys to the safe, went into the back room where the safe was, took the money, and left.

Where were we during this? In the aisle next to the back room.

But....I missed it. I missed the whole thing.

Suddenly police took over the whole store, and an announcement was made that we all needed to leave. Upon leaving a police officer asked me numerous questions about what took place, and I was slightly embarrassed that I sucked as a witness. I used to be so devoted to crime scene television shows, you'd think I would be ready to be the perfect witness.

Instead I just kept pointing to my two toddlers, and the puppy, and repeatedly said, "I was a bit distracted!"

The cop thought I was a total airhead. It probably didn't help that I asked him if he was the one who installed my car seats. (he wasn't.) Here he was trying to gather evidence from a crime scene, and the only witness was too caught up in her own world to notice an armed robbery going on in front of her eyes. And then she tries to make chit chat to boot!

Oh yeah, and then I asked him if he thought it was safe to go to the other local pet store. (both stores are franchises of a national chain.) I asked if he thought the robber was hitting all the pet stores. He gave me a funny look and said, "I'm sure the other pet store is fine."

What can I say? I suck at being a witness!



Anonymous said...

funny how life just keeps going on around us...whether or not we are paying attention.

Good grief!

M said...

I got a good laugh out of this post. I was trying to read parts of it to R, but I kept laughing too hard to talk. :o)

ramblingmuse said...

LOL!! This was too funny!

Glad everyone was ok.

Have a good weekend!

allison said...

LOL... I think having the boys and the puppy are a great reason to be distracted.

StringMan said...

Man, what timing. I guess in real life it happens a bit differently than on TV. Loved the chit-chat attempt :)

Mrs. G.F. said...

Hysterical!!! (Glad no one was hurt.)

But...that is bizarre...

Anonymous said...

Betsy, OMG!!! Only you can make me LMAO at an armed robbery!!

Alicia said...

Everyone else has commented on the roberry, but you got me with the "getting married" part! I was stunned. Shocked.
In disbelief.

Oh, she's kidding. That was funny.

Mrs. G.F. said...

Ok, my internet connection has been wierd, I never finished my post, didn't even know it made it. :)

Bizarre that you didn't even know it happened. It sounds so funny that it went so quickly. I get engrossed in what I am doiing when I am out, so it could happen to me too!!

Yah, the married thing, freaked me out for a second.

Don't do that again!! :(


4texans said...

What a funny story,you made me chuckle...hee hee