Saturday, May 20, 2006

Laundry Day

I was trying to be good. Really. I even sorted the laundry by material and color. (I say even, because typically I throw everything in together. Underwear goes with towels, etc.)

Anyways, I had all of the clothes sorted in neat piles. I went to get a laundry bag to put one pile of clothing in.

And along came.... my children.

Who decided that the clothes would be much better off all mixed up and thrown in the air. And then once they landed, it would be fun to jump in them.

Here are some pictures:


M said...

Looks like fun to me! :O)

Maisy said...

Who cares about coloureds, whites, fluffy and fluff attracting when there's fun to be had?

Being a kid at your place is a good place to be a kid at.


Mrs. G.F. said...

Too funny!!

Kids see fun opportunities everywhere, wish we grown-ups could!!!

Leslie said...

This is a page out of my life. It makes me think "why do I even bother". LOL

Erin said...

LOL. Looks like something that would happen at my house... minus one kid and add one dog! hehe.

Anonymous said...

Could have been worse though. Could have been freshly ironed washing.

Although something tells me this won't ever be an issue. ;-)