Friday, May 12, 2006

Some Things Make No Sense To Me

For example, every day on my drive to work, I drive by a subway station that is the first stop on the green line. (If you know MA, that makes sense, if not, just know that it's a busy subway stop.)

There is a traffic light that is next to the entrance to the parking lot. This light works perfectly well. It has left arrows, right arrows, and a straight arrow.

Yet for some reason, it also has a cop. The cop stands at said intersection, and waves cars on when the light tells them to go. Why?

Isn't this a waste of taxpayer's money?

Am I missing something?

If the cop needs to be at this intersection, then why aren't cops at every set of lights?

Isn't that what the lights are for?

Anyways, every time I drive through this intersection after being told by both the cop, and the green arrow that it's safe to proceed, I think about making it a blog entry. And so here it is.

What makes no sense to you? (aside from my blog entries, of course!)



Anonymous said...

Beware, this comment is a book!

It was new to me, upon moving to the NE, that you should post police/highway patrolmen upon every roadside construction. I respect the idea, and am certain if it was I, or my family, digging ditches on the side of the road, I would certainly appreciate some flashing lights and a car that would make every commuter slam on his/her brakes. Resulting in traffic jams all over the place!

There is an intersection close to my home that has a crossing guard. In my memory they were there to halt traffic and escort children safely across the street. Now it seems, they have become traffic cops with just an orange vest on. Thier authority knows no bounds. I waited 12 mins the other day at ONE intersection for like 14 busses to exit a high school.(Seriously 12 MINUTES with 3 kids in my car!!! I nearly ran the orange vested person over!!)

Don't even get me started on bus fees and the number of busses that were assigned to one school. An aneurism is not far off my friend. (I don't even want to hear about how your step brother's cousin died of an aneurism!!)b you know what I mean and I hope you are LYAO now!!

b said...

LOL!!!!!! Yes, I did get the joke, and thought it was great!

And I had no idea that the construction cops was a NE thing.

Anonymous said...

Kristi, I got it too, and I'm also LMAO!!!!

Will come back later when I can think of something to add on the original topic. :)

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.