Sunday, April 02, 2006

What To Write

I wish I knew
what the future holds
when will I find him
that him that I am destined to meet
What if the answer is never
I don't think that is the case
but what if
just a thought



M said...

The unknown is scary. But all I can see is how far you've taken yourself. Hang in there. Deep breaths. It will happen. Probably when you least expect it.

b said...

but I least expect it now. does that count? :O)

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you if you'll tell me...

Leila said...

Whatever happens, you gotta keep hoping. 'Cause without hope, we have nothing.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you this now.

I know for a fact there's a couple of good looking guys who are madly in love with you.

Might not be the one's you're thinking of but they're there.

Finding the right person sucks. It's so damn hard. Just when you think you've found them something happens and it's all over. Been there done that and still living that life.

Not that it'll work for you but I gave up looking after my last breakup. I figured it's lost pen syndrome. If you look for a pen when you want it you will never find one. Don't look for it or don't want it and there it is.

I'm hoping this works for finding the one. :-)

b said...

Loweded Wookie said...
I'll tell you this now.

I know for a fact there's a couple of good looking guys who are madly in love with you.

really? Tell me more. Thanks for making me smile.

Mrs. G.F. said...


Things will happen when it's time, and you have such a great attitude. You enjoy life as it comes, you seek out new experiences, and have a great support network.

There's a quote that goes something like this:

Worry does nothing for tomorrow, it only robs today of it's joy.

Great quote; one I need to remember right now for myself. ;)