Monday, April 03, 2006

10 Reasons I love my sons

  1. They are funny. I mean really funny. Their latest favorite game is changing the lyrics to songs to make them funnier. When they wake up in the morning I can hear them singing through the wall. They crack themselves up repeatedly. Jacob also uses a variety of voices to make me laugh.
  2. They cuddle. Both of them still love to lay in my arms, and snuggle up for a book.
  3. They are fun to be with. They get excited over such simple things, and really show me how to appreciate things I normally take for granted. Yesterday I came home from the grocery store. Jacob looked in the bag and exclaimed, "Mommy, you bought bananas! Thank you!"
  4. The play well together (usually). They most definitely love each other and always help one another out.
  5. They go to bed early. Really early.
  6. They know what they want. There's no reading between the lines with them.
  7. They play well with others.
  8. They keep me going when I feel like giving up.
  9. They talk about Joe, and love looking at pictures of him with me.
  10. They are the last gifts Joe gave me.
Oh how I love my boys to pieces



b said...

hmmm. interseting :O)

My first spam comment.

allison said...

Well, luckily, that spammer found your blog very intersteing and nice. LOL

This little list you've made here is something I need to think about more often. It is really easy to take simple things for granted, but kids truly do remind you of what's important.

M said...

You're kids are GREAT! :o)

Anonymous said...

Told you you had two good looking blokes who loved you. :-)

The boys sound great but I bet when they get on each other's nerves hell hath risen. :-)

Glad you took time out to realise how important they are to you. Isn't it cool how they sense when you're down and they just say something out of the blue that snaps you to it.

Love the banana comment.

b said...

Thanks for the reminder of what I've got. And yes, when they get on each other's nerves, watch out! Or at least cover your ears.

Allison, glad I could give you a reminder. I think you're gonna love having two close in age. They will be great friends.

glad you think they're great, since you watch them 20% of the time!

Mrs. G.F. said...

So sweet! THey are adorable.

Kids do give us the best reason to keep on going.

Great list.


Nice spammer. Never actually saw one before.

Anonymous said...

Children are a Blessing!
Your boys are awesome and a great reflection of the amazing mom they

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean...I don't know what I'd do without my boy!! Jacob's banana comment sounds like something Jack would say, so that one really made me smile.

Can't wait to give both of them super big hugs this weekend!

ramblingmuse said...


I replied and my comment didn't post! Argh..

Anyway, it's always nice to hear about your boys! :-)

Highlandgal said...

Girl, now I love your children! ;)

4texans said...

Awww, that's sweet.