Friday, April 21, 2006


Today was a better day. No crying. Hosted people and was able to make conversation. Enjoyed my time with the boys. Felt almost normal. Thanks for all of your support yesterday. I really hate when I write posts like that one. I feel like I'm letting everyone down when I get into such a funk. So thank you.

I haven't written much about Brooklyn, the puppy. This is mostly because I have been afraid to jinx myself. She has been an amazing puppy. She sleeps in her crate through the whole night. She hasn't had a single accident in the house. She gives us lots of love, and is fun to be around. Her only "bad" behavior issue is that she nips/bites. I know that this is a puppy thing, but it's a bit frustrating. Other than that, she's a perfect pup, and I don't regret getting her.

Heading off tomorrow for a girls' day/night away. We are going to my friend Owen's summer house. This house is one of my favorite places to go. It's a beautiful house, and it's quite isolated. It has it's own beach, and a pool. I had many, many great memories of this house, and almost none of them involve Joe. So I think it will be a great escape. We're bring food, alcohol, movies and books. (and no kids are coming. Or puppies!)

Thanks again for all your words of support. Have a great weekend!



M said...

Can't wait for tomorrow! :o)

Don't, don't, don't feel bad about yesterday's post. I'm certainly sorry you felt (feel) that way, but you are not letting anybody down. The people who read this blog care about you, however you might be feeling. They don't want you to pretend to feel anything that you don't.

Besides, you have lived your life with strength and grace (yes grace :o). That does not mean that you feel good all the time. That means that you keep going even when you don't want to. It means you pick yourself up - just like you did today. It also means you lean on your friends that love you.

Love you. :o)

Mrs. G.F. said...

I agree, post what you want. You aren't letting anyone down.

Have an awesome time. The house sounds absolutely beautiful. Good friend, good food, some booze, sounds like the perfect escape.


allison said...

Have fun on your getaway. I think it'll be a great time to relax and reflect. Take care of yourself!