Today we went to visit you at the cemetery. For some reason, we think the cemetery is a very fun place to go. We posed for a picture before we left. Mom was cracking up at our silliness. T came with us too, but found our visit to be a little strange. We're not sure what he found to be the strangest. Was it the fact that we kept asking the cemetery for toys? Or was it when we started doing headstands by your tombstone? Maybe it was when we started whispering you secrets and reporting back your answers. We particularly liked when you told us that we should go to McDonald's for dinner.
Regardless, we had a great visit. We told you that we loved you and missed you, and found some nice stones to leave behind. Someone had already been by with a Cuban cigar and a fresh match. Mommy thought that was really nice. T found it a little strange. That's OK, we were just happy he came with us, and held mommy's hand while she teared up. He's so good to her.
We know you're watching over us, and taking care of us the only way you know how. We love you.
J & J
(pre cemetery smiles)
I'm a fellow UB mom and have read your posts from time to time. Just read you blog and wanted to let you know a stranger in NJ is thinking of you and admiring you! I have boys too and know how lucky yours are to have you. Best wishes for much future happiness!
while we all wished that the story would end differently, it didn't, and so i find myself thinking that this is the ending that matters the most--that your boys know and love their father and that T supports your and their love for him...
and that dad still endorses McDonald's :)
may God hold you closely this week and throughout all your days...
I love the pics!!I love that the boys associate happiness with Joe's marker and place.
I also love that you introduced the song to me, that I read the lyrics of on his marker.
Thinking of you and hoping you (& the boys & T) enjoy this great weekend. I know Joe is happy watching you all!
smiles and tears... :o)Mel
To me, this post speaks of hope. Your beautiful boys will always remind you of Joe, and they find joy in remembering him in their own way (and I LOVE that they whispered to him and told you what he said back!). I think it just goes to show that kids cope with death in their own special way. And how neat that T went with you to hold your hand. I love him. :)
b .... I found it hard to read your "letting go" entry. The one prior ended with you sleeping the sleep of the exhausted lying with your arms around Joe. I so wished the last one could have begun with you being awakened to Joe's fingers running through your hair.
Sadly... was not to be.
You visit to the cemetary today sounds truly awesome .. so healthy and so meaningful.
You are T are blessed to have found each other and I have no doubt that Joe concurs.
You have gorgeous sons but you probably know that already. [grin] I loved the McD's "message" Too cute!
May I request again that you repost Joe's doctor's accounting of his experience?
In closing, I want to say that I think it is totally awesome that you are moving towards a bright future while cherishing your memories of that past.
with love & hugs,
b .. I want to add that your family epitomizes the saying that when G-d closes a door, He opens a window.
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