Tuesday, August 29, 2006

To Joe's Friends

When Joe died
you all told me that you'd be here
any time
anything I needed

And that was true
for a few months

and then
you disappeared


It's like we no longer existed
you no longer remembered us

What happened?
Was it too painful to see us?
Did we remind you of Joe?

Or did we remind you
of your own mortality?

I wish you'd check in
just say hello
ask how we're doing
tell me a Joe story
see my boys



Tonight I had dinner with
Joe's best friend
the one friend who has kept his word
he does check in on me
he still shows that he cares

he told me that he has Joe's picture
in his living room
that made me smile

check in
just tell me that you still think of Joe
that he hasn't been forgotten
that we haven't been forgotten

I miss you guys
I really do



M said...

Great big hug.

Anonymous said...

Big hugs from here too

Anonymous said...

This sounds all too familiar to me. Secondary losses.

ramblingmuse said...

Yeah...I know the feeling. It's the same, but different.

I'm sure they still think of you, but they probably just don't know how to mention Joe without fear of an 'awkward' moment, not that it's any consolation.

Hang in there!

Mrs. G.F. said...


Glad his best friend did keep his word...I know this may be litte consolation, but we barely see our friends right now, with all the busyness of working, kids, and our own life. (I barely see my brothers)...maybe it is just that getting in the way?

I don't know.


b said...


No. Not the same. Haven't heard from them in over two years. No calls, no cards, no anything. They are no longer a part of our lives in any way shape or form.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hear you on this one...

Big Jack's two best friends assured me that they would be there for Little Jack. The one totally kept his word for the first year or so, but then he got a job out of state. Now he's been back in town for over a year...and we still haven't seen him. I do think it's pretty painful for him...he and Big Jack were best friends for 12 years (and were much closer than most guys), and the sense of loss is still pretty palpable for him. But I do need to reconnect with him, for Little Jack's sake.

Didn't mean to hijack this...just wanted you to know I understand!

J.Rowe said...

I think your boys will know the one friend that meant the most to Joe. The friend that knew Joe best. I'm glad you caught up with him. He's a really good person.


b said...

He is a good person. It was really nice to hang out with him. After a few beers, he started acting a bit like Joe. Made me miss Joe that much more.

4texans said...

Awww, I'm sorry...(((hugs)))