Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm it!

Pentha tagged me with a meme of trios.

Three things that scare me:

1. T leaving me
2. Something bad happening to my boys
3. Something happening to me, leaving my boys without a mom

Three people who make me laugh:

1. My kids
2. T
3. Patrick

Three things I love:

1. Watching reality tv while browsing the computer
2. Snuggling with my boys
3. Great sex

Three things I hate:

1. Driving in the snow
2. Losing my internet connection
3. The way my body looks

Three things I don't understand:

1. How does one die from the chicken pox?
2. War
3. Debi T.

Three things on my desk:

1. My television
2. VCR
3. DVD player

Three things I'm doing right now:

1. Watching The Real World
2. Missing T
3. Throwing the dog a toy over and over and over

Three things I want to do before I die:

1. Hold my grandchildren
2. Publish some of my writings
3. Find a new happily ever after

Three things I can do:

1. Bake cookies quite well
2. Make people laugh
3. Teach

Three things I can't do:

1. Sing
2. drive a standard
3. Dance

Three things I think you should listen to:

1. Bruce Springsteen's The Rising
2. Your children
3. The still, small voice

Three things you should never listen to:

1. George W. Bush
2. Advice from frenemies
3. Your inner voice that tells you that you can't do something

Three things I'd like to learn:

1. How to have patience
2. How to enjoy life to the fullest
3. How to stop replaying Joe's death

Three favorite foods:

1. Eggplant Parm
2. Pizza from Staten Island
3. Chocolate cake

Three shows I watched as a kid:

1. The Brady Bunch
2. The Twilight Zone (80's edition)
3. Facts of Life

Three things I regret:

1. Not staying with Joe the whole time he was in the hospital
2. The night in Virginia when I was 14
3. Getting a dog (just at this moment)

Three people I tag:
Mel (so she can update her damn blog)


Anonymous said... of the items on your list made me laugh SO hard...I'm not going to say which one, but I think you can figure it out!!! ('s a #3...)

b said...

That was special for my ywbb friends :O)

Anonymous said...

I knew you would know!!


Alicia said...

Yup! I laughed at that one too!

And no, I don't mind that you stole some of my answers. Sincerest form of flattery and all that rot, you know.

Anonymous said...

Nice meme. . .I might steal it.

Anonymous said...

what is a freinemy? was that a typo? because I like it.
Thanks for putting me on your list, you make me laugh too.

b said...

Dawn, please steal it!

Patrick, a frenemy is someone who acts like a friend, but is really an enemy. "Oh, I love that sweater!" her frenemy said, before turning and giggling in her hand.

Maisy said...

k in texas you stole my comment!

A huge blurt of laughter erupted from me, my children wanted to know what the joke was, but alas, I couldn't explain.... Yup, a ywbb special that one!


kyle said...

laughter here too--- thanks for that one b!

J.Rowe said...

Got to the bottom and lol!!! Mel: )