Monday, April 09, 2007

How I know That T will be an Amazing Father

The day before Easter T went out and bought everything we'd need to dye Easter eggs. Unfortunately, when it came to the eggs themselves, he picked out brown ones. The boys couldn't have cared less, as this was the first time they'd ever dyed eggs, and they didn't know what they should look like.

The had a great time dunking, and re dunking the eggs into the various color dyes, and exclaiming how beautiful they were. Meanwhile, T kept muttering, "Why did I buy brown eggs?"

Saturday night T and I went out on a date. On the way home T pulled into the grocery store and told me to wait in the car. He was back in a flash with a mischievous look, and a bag full of white eggs. Yep, you guessed it, we were going to dye new eggs.

And so it was, at midnight, Easter eve (is that a term?) T and I were sitting at the dining room table dying eggs. All because T wanted them to wake up to bright colorful eggs that they would think they dyed.

That's T.

first batch

2nd batch

egg hunting


Anonymous said...

What a great guy!!!

J.Rowe said...

Nice... He's such a good guy. I bet the boys had a blast and a great surprise.

Anonymous said...

That just warms my heart!!

And that's a really cute pic of T, by the way!

Chels said...

too perfect... you must be floating on cloud nine !

Anonymous said...

That is the nicest thing ever. I am honestly very very happy for you betsy....

Walt :)

Anonymous said...

Big smiles for this story... :o)

Maisy said...

Wow! Brown eggs really don't dye well!


Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart!

Erin said...

That is really cool! I say you've snagged a good one!

Mrs. G.F. said...

That was the most adorable thing I have heard in a long time. So sweet!

He is awesome.

MamaMichelsBabies said...

He's awesome! Gotta love those moments when they do something that makes your heart melt all over again, makes up for when you want to thump em in their foreheads for being a twit. Glad you had a happy Easter!