Friday, September 08, 2006

Some Messages

To Jacob: Please stop crying when I drop you off at school. It is breaking my heart. Especially when you ask, in that tiny voice you have, for just one more hug and kiss. Please try to enjoy school. Make a friend...just one friend is all you need. Know that I am proud of you beyond any words I could tell you.

To Joshua: Why are you so angry with me? Do you think that Jacob and I are off spending our days together? We're not excluding you, I promise. Please look happy to see me when I pick you up at the end of the day. Don't scream when I pick you up. I know that you dislike being away from Jacob all day, but soon you will grow to love your independence. Know that I am proud of you beyond any words I could tell you.

To Brooklyn: Why do you like the taste of poopie diapers so much? It's a disgusting habit that needs to stop. You are cute, but your cuteness can only get you so far in life. I am not feeling so proud of you these days.

To my class: Could we please have 5 minutes of no talking in our room? Could we have 5 minutes of no fighting? How about 5 minutes of no fidgeting? No? How about 2 minutes of any of the above? No? 30 seconds? You'll think about it? Thanks.

To Joe: Do you know how many times I had to fight the urge to call and tell you about the globe article? Still, after all this time, I fight that urge. Man I miss you right now.

To T: Please stick with me. I'm far more scared of losing you more than I'm scared of keeping you.

To my readers: I love all of you. Well not all of you, but most of you :O)



M said...

I hope that all of the recipients hear your messages loud and clear.

Things will get better soon. :o)

P.S. We love you too!

Maisy said...

My Seb wasn't very keen on pre-school either. (((hugs))) to you, 'cause I know it's heartrendingly horrible.

Seb did eventually love it and children befriended him - he never made the overtures.

The class will get better. The dog, well, let's just say I have no intention of replacing mine when their time on earth is complete!

Ali - who hopes she's not on the unloved readers list!

Anonymous said...

You don't love us all? :)

(Because my blog is in the "new version of Blogger in beta," it won't let me post a comment on a non-beta blog when I'm logged in. Hence, the anonymous post.)


Mrs. G.F. said...

Geez..I leave for a few days and so much happens!!!

Great job on the Boston Globe article, great pic of you and Mel!!

Oh, the crying leaving and picking up kids, nothing more draining. Good luck and (hugs), they will eventually get used to it. Maybe a week, or two, but def. by the time they leave home for college!! *grin*

And, just a *sigh* with you on the subjects of Joe and T. And a big ((B)).

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post!

Poor Joshua...I hadn't thought about him thinking that maybe you and Jacob were off together while he's at daycare. I knew it would be a transition for him not to have Jacob there but figured at least it was a familiar environment.

Erin said...


I think those are some pretty meaningful messages. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful.

Alicia said...

I love this post. I'm going to have to borrow it for my blog sometime.

Anonymous said...

I love you, too. You are a great mom, friend, teacher. You are an inspiration.

An expression I often heard as I dealt with some of the more difficult toddler days (and I was not widowed then, but Tom did work excessive hrs and missed a lot)...was "this, too, shall pass."
I don't necessarily care for the expression, but alas, it's true. Before you know it they'll be teenagers. Can't wait to read your blog then!! :)

allison said...

The thing with Brooklyn could be worse. You could have one that eats poopie diapers and another that eats the other dog's poop :)

allison said...

Oh, and I've had so many days with students like you described above I couldn't count them all. It's so frustrating... and what's worse is that most of the time, calling home doesn't work. It might be worth a shot, though.