Friday, September 29, 2006

Have I Told You What My Sons Want To Be For Halloween?

Fairies. Both of them want to be pink fairies with pink wands.
To top it off, Jacob announced tonight that his new nickname is fairy.

Good god.

Sorry Joe :O)



Anonymous said...

Would it make you feel any better to know that my daughter wants to be a Power Ranger? (Only the Green one, not ever the Pink one)

Anonymous said...

Good grief! This is quite a trend...

Leslie said...

LOL! I'm sorry but I laughed so hard I peed a little while reading that, buahahaha.
Good thing all the stores in all of MA are fresh out of fairy costumes this year.

Highlandgal said...

It sucks that there are so many societal rules for boys. It's pretty common at this age for boys to want the fun girl stuff.

Maisy said...

My Seb used to love dressing up in his big sister's fairy dress. He loved how the full circle satin skirt swished and swirled around his legs. However he used to only wear it in secret which made me worry that he'd grow up to be a closeted drag queen or cross dresser.

At 11 everything about Seb's clothing choices fit societal norms. If he raids his sister's wardrobe I'm unaware of it! Who knows what his adult choices will be?

Ali - who understands the concern and the desire to not be concerned.

Nat said...

That's funny:) Who is to say fairies are only for girls? fairies dont have a gender!!! I am sure the'll grow out of it, in the mean time, enjoy dressing them up as girls:)

PS. Vicki is in the trains, cars, boats, and football at the moment. I tried to get her a pink dress, and she was like... whats that? let's go kick ball:)

Anonymous said...

It's kind of funny that society is moronic.

Society says that pink is for girls and blue is for boys but the odd reality is that it should be the other way around.

Apparently studies have revealed that pink is a soothing colour for boys and blue is a soothing colour for girls.

So society is to blame for upset children. At least that's my opinion.

It may simply be that because the boys haven't had that father figure, then the boys tend to understand the female role more. Your a girl and they've been told that girls act this way and that.

I was the same, I have three sisters and I would wear their necklaces, I had a Ken doll, and I wanted to have my hair tied up like the girls did.

As I grew up the necklace wearing stopped, playing with Ken was more along the lines of making Ken root Barbie, and I hate my hair long so tying up is no longer an option.

The boys will be fine the older they get.