Tuesday, May 06, 2008

For The Record

I handled today really well
I made it through the school day
I even laughed
I was able to teach
and converse with teachers and parents
and only cried once

I brought the boys to the cemetery after school
and handled that really well too
No tears, no major pangs of sadness even

We came home with the plan of eating ice cream
in the backyard
before eating dinner
I was proud of myself
for being so carefree

Then the dog escaped the yard
and was run over by a car
that pretty much did me in

she is alive
but quite broken
kind of like me



Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the update, good to hear that she is at least alive. I can definitely vouch for you handling today in school really well.

Anonymous said...

omg, brooklyn! :( i hope she is OK. thank you for posting what you did this week. i loved reading the new stories about joe. he will never be forgotten. i'm glad you got through the day so well. but i am so sorry to hear about brooklyn... much love my friend xo-ej

Maureen Fitzgerald said...

Oh hon - what a day for that to happen. You and Brooklyn will be in many prayers tonight...and you will both heal, even though you are both in pain right now.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about Brooklyn. I hope things are settled down now and looking up.

Leslie said...

Oh no poor little Brooklyn! I hope she is okay! What a cruel thing to happen to you today! I'm so sorry!

wermit said...

I hope today finds you and Brooklyn feeling a bit more on the mend. I'm so sorry that happened at all, but particularly that it happened yesterday. Please update when you can on how both of you are doing.