Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Relaxed Alert

This term was first introduced to me 10 years ago. I was a camp counselor at a day camp in Weston, MA. I was in charge of 21 six year olds, and was to never take my eyes off of them. My only "break" was during free swim. While the kids had free swim, counselors were allowed to lay by the pool and relax.

Well, not exactly relax, I soon learned. The director of the camp made me aware that I needed to be on relaxed alert. Huh? I was allowed to lay down and relax, but always needed to be alert enough to notice if there was a problem.

Since learning this new term, I have often felt like I am on relaxed alert. Even when I am supposedly relaxed, I'm alert, waiting for something to go wrong. How I would so love to just relax completely. To let myself enjoy a moment to the fullest.

When I think of all the relaxing moments that I've wasted by being on relaxed alert, I could just scream. My new goal is to learn how to relax and enjoy a moment to the fullest.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Your writing is filled with such voice! I like the term relaxed alert, yet I hate it. You're exactly right - if we're not completely on alert, we're on relaxed alert. When does the relaxed part come in?

Anonymous said...

Good luck. :o)

J.Rowe said...

Love the blog...fantastic idea!