Saturday, March 24, 2007

Ready to Laugh?

Remember my post a few posts down, wondering who my stalker reader from Medford, MA is? I figured out who it is. Ready?

My stalker reader Yep, me. Damn sitemeter. I should never have started looking at it again.



Alicia said...

You can set the sitemeter so it doesn't track yourself.

Good thing I never PMd you with my guess about who it was!

Erin said...

LOL, I saw the same thing on mine, but Medford, Oregon. Have any clue who that is?

Anonymous said...

LOL Too funny!! Have a great weekend!

Mrs. G.F. said...


i am cracking up!

Anonymous said...

I stalked myself once and then I stopped it was fine when I was stalking myself because it felt kind of good knowing that someone cared but when the stalking stopped I became so paranoid I thought the person in front of me was following me it turned out he was and I was actually walking backwards.