Friday, March 30, 2007


Monday night marks the start of Passover
It's a bittersweet holiday for me.

It was the last time my whole family was together
and we had a great time.

Jacob was 9 months old, and sat with us at the table. I was so proud of him eating his matzoh balls all by himself.

My sister and I were both pregnant, and we have a picture taken of our husbands with pillows under their shirts, and my sister and I holding them from behind. We were all laughing so hard, Joe's face was beet red. It was one of those moments so silly, that you really had to be there to appreciate it.

None of us knew that it would be our last gathering, the last time my family would see Joe conscious. That 3 weeks later, he would be dead. And I'm glad none of us knew. There was no sadness that night, no good-bye's, no tears. Just laughter, and games, and food, and family.

Happy Passover. May you enjoy time spent with your family, and feel pure joy of their presence.



Anonymous said...

sigh... I'm glad you have that wonderful memory to hold onto. I'm sorry it's bittersweet.

Chels said...

A great memory... also a nice shade of green :)

Mrs. G.F. said...

Oh. I am glad you have that treasured memory. And it sounds so fun. :)

(b) for the old times, and :) for the new.

(and your blog freaked me out!! I checked the title twice to make sure it was you! looking good..)

Anonymous said...

I remember the picture...The thought made me smile....N