Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Confession Time

I must confess, I am a lazy person. I leave my laundry in the washing machine for so long, I have to rewash them before I can dry them. Sometimes even twice. And I never sort my clothes before washing them. I bought a special type of dishwasher that would allow me to rarely empty it. I rarely plan my lessons for school, and will steal ideas from other teachers whenever I'm given the chance. I will spend the afternoon on the couch when the boys are napping when I could be cleaning, or sorting, or doing something purposeful.

But the laziest thing I've done recently is also the most shameful. I still have Gulliver sitting in my dining room. I was supposed to send him off to Pentha over a month ago. Then Pentha's brother died unexpectedly, and her sister became ill, and I wasn't sure if it would be too much for her to receive Gulliver at that time. And then I thought her blog had disappeared, but my guess is that she updated it and my link just no longer worked.

Ok, another confession. I make excuses. I should have sent Gulliver out long ago, and I screwed up. I'm sorry. He will be heading out tomorrow in the mail. I promise not to be lazy, or to make excuses.



Sandy. said...

Oh the horrors! :)

Did Gulliver at least get to spend some afternoons snuggling you on the couch?


Amanda said...

I just read your story from the April/May archives after you posted your blog address on another...um..site that I won't say the name of here (don't want to "out" myself!). Just wanted to say that through my tears I read your account of letting go and I find you to be quite an inspiration. My husband's sister passed away 7 years ago next week from pneumonia. The story could be practically the same. It was scary to relive her story through your words. She left behind three boys who were 10, 12, and 14 at the time and are now so much older, so much more mature. We think about her every single day, as do they. Anyway, not sure why I'm writing this except to just say thank you for being so brave to put that out there for people to read, even if you didn't intend to have some strange woman with 2 "dc" from NYC read it. Thanks for inspiring me to live every day to its fullest. Amanda

b said...

So glad you commented. Thanks for taking the time to read and for posting. I'll keep an eye out for you at our other meeting spot :O)

Anonymous said...

Ah ha. That's where he is.

Actually I noticed your links were stuffed. For some reason all the links had another "/" at the end of them which is why you couldn't see Pentha's blog.

I remember going to your site a few weeks ago and being greeted by a message from Blogger saying your site was going through an upgrade. I think that's where the problem occured. Fantastic how upgrades kill stuff. Google really tested everything there didn't they? :-)

Glad to know Gully is still in great hands though.

Alicia said...

Don't worry about it, b. Okay, you violated some of LW's rules. What's he going to do?

You were right, though ... I really could not have dealt with Gulliver a month ago. I would have looked at him and wondered what the hell I was supposed to do with him. His travels would have seemed so irrelevant to my life.

Do you want to know something cool, though? As I was writing the previous paragraph, I suddenly knew EXACTLY what Gulliver is going to do when he visits. This should be really interesting. Thank you!

Alicia said...

PS -- Of course, Amanda's comment has my curiosity totally roused. The only thing that comes to mind is that she must have "2 darling children," just like you. Pretty goofy of me, I know.

b said...

I went to the widow board to get your address, and it's gone!!!! Please send it ASAP so I can get him out this morning. God forbid I have another excuse!

Nick said...

I leave my wash in the washer all the time. I call it - water conservation.

It's all about thinking positively.

b said...

Nick, how is it water conservation if you wash the same load of clothing 2 or 3 times?

Nick said...

I don't do that. A few extra dryer sheets and lots of Axe spray will cover up those - been sitting in the wash too long - smells.

Mrs. G.F. said...

Hi B!

I have done the same thing with teh washer, I am trying to stop. Now, I am keeping them in the dryer forever, so the clothes are horribly wrinkled....so I run the dryer again...(3 times so far today with the same clothes...oops!)


Anonymous said...

My favorite time of the day is naptime when I can sit, watch the View, and well, SIT. I don't think you are lazy. I am right there with ya!