Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm In Love

Tonight at widow group I announced that I was in love. Of course they all knew that I love T, but I think it was the first time that I proclaimed "I am in love." It's a hard thing to admit, and I felt guilty admitting it for some reason. Everyone else is still so in love with their late husbands and while I will always have a special place in my heart for Joe, I am in love with someone new. It feels in some ways like I'm cheating, even though rationally I know I'm not.

When you look at me these days, I think you can see a glow that I haven't had in years. I feel good about myself (I'm down 28 pounds), I love my job again, my kids are doing really well, and I have a man in my life who makes me feel like I am special.

He also makes me feel like my kids are special to him. Tomorrow night is curriculum night at J & J's preschool. I told T that I would be out tonight for widow group and tomorrow night for curriculum night. I asked him if I should get a sitter for one of the two nights so that he could do his own thing. He told me to get a sitter for tomorrow night because he wants to go to curriculum night with me. HE WANTS TO GO TO CURRICULUM NIGHT!

How could I not be in love?



Aunt Boo said...


That is so awesome. Sounds like you have a wonderful man there!


Anonymous said...

Wow, my husband even tries to get out of curriculum nights!!! He is a wonderful man for sure! (Not that you needed CN to prove that, but still....)

I'm so happy you can say out loud that you are "in Love" again!

Anonymous said...

A man that wants to go to curiculum that's a good man....N

Dial-Up Princess said...


Anonymous said...

He's got DAD written all over him very sweet.

Jack and Eric have taken to calling each other "almost dad" and "almost son." Of course, my heart wells up every time that happens!

And how cool is it that you no longer have to get a sitter for widow group???

Anonymous said...

Almost makes up for the fact that you have no paper towels in your house.

Ann said...

I remember telling my widow's group I was getting married. I told the leader first in private. A very sweet woman. I remember she blinked, hard, but smiled and hugged me and insisted I tell everyone in the big group. The guilt I felt was of being happy when many of them were clearly not. My situation was very different from all of theirs though and I just reminded myself that all you can do is live your own life and everyone's needs and pace is different.

Curriculum night, eh? Cool. That's a real mom and dad date night.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story.


J.Rowe said...

He's just what you needed. I haven't seen you look so good or happy in a long time. You deserve much happiness!

Erin said...

That is really cool! It definitely sounds like you have found a keeper!

PS-I missed you too. I've started posting again, so if you ever get a chance, feel free to stop by!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am in love with T.

Becca said...

So happy for you! He sounds wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I love the positive posts.. :)