Monday, June 25, 2007


Were you getting sick of all my happy posts? Well then, you're in luck. After a really great weekend, including eating freshly caught by T lobsters for dinner last night (he has a lobster license), I decided to step on the scale this morning.

My first personal training workout is this morning, and I'm starting weight watchers this week, so I thought it was time to see for myself how fat I really am.

I am not going to share with you what I weigh. But I will tell you that I weigh more than I did 9 months pregnant. Ugh. How did I let this happen? I feel like I have so much to lose it's almost not worth trying. Ugh.



Anonymous said...

Every successful diet starts with the first lost ounce!

Each lost ounce gives incentive to lose more.



Dial-Up Princess said...

its always worth trying....:)

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's worth trying. Even those first 5 lbs. will make a difference in your energy level and in how your clothes fit. I am cheering you on!

I have friends who have had some great success with Weight Watchers and know that you'll do the same. My sister gave me some great tips after her weight-loss surgery...let me know if you'd like me to pass them on.

You go, girl!!!

J.Rowe said...

First off, never go on a scale Monday morning, bad idea... that is a "Nancy" rule. You're going to do great with WW and you have a plan for the gym. I bet in a week or two you'll be feeling much better. The hardest part is getting started.

I'm still up for running in the am. We can do here, there or around the river. We can even plan for days that D is at daycare.

I know you're going to feel much better once you start!

Anonymous said...

Stop whining :)

b said...

it's my blog, and I'll whine as much as I want. :O)

Anonymous said...

I'll whine right there with ya! My DH and I have decided we can remain in denial, I mean put off, our seriously facing reality until after we move. LOL Ignorance is bliss, right?!?

You are a beautiful woman, and I know that you will become strong and powerful and healthy during this summer!! Rock On B!!!

Maureen Fitzgerald said...

I joined WW with a friend last month - so far, so good. It's been about 2 lbs a week, but it doesn't feel like a diet. Hang in there - I'm right there with ya!!

Anonymous said...

Finally! I WAS getting tired of your happy posts. I was like, to all my friends, "my friend's blog has been really happy lately" and they were all like "no way! lame!" And I was like "For reals, right? What a ladder climber!" And they were like "No doubt!" Thank you for opening some windows and letting that fresh air of self-criticism in.'re a ease up a bit on yourself.

Aunt Boo said...

Let me tell you, Weight Watchers works. It works slowly, like it is supposed to but if you follow the plan, it will come off. I have lost 20 pounds since the end of March and I feel great! (Wow, I should get paid of that endorsement!)

Good luck and have fun with it!


4texans said...

I recently made a commitment to myself to get in pre marriage/pre kids shape. I know it's slow going, but once you get started, you will feel so good. I've only lost a few pounds, but the exercise really makes me feel good.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

About a year ago this very same thing happened to me and I was mortified, so I know exactly how you feel. I started doing WW online and started losing slowly, but steadily. I started on flex points and moved to core for a while when I stalled and then back to flex. I am happy to say that last week, I made my goal and moved to maintenance. Today I weigh less than I did when I got married and I am down 47 pounds from this time last year. You CAN do it, you just have to start. Find a program that works for you and fits your life and the weight will come off!

b said...

thank you! congrats to you! I am down 4.5 pounds since monday!