Thursday, August 10, 2006

Reason # 7 Why Blogger Makes Me Feel Like I'm In Junior High

I made a strange and startling discovery yesterday. I was perusing the blogs that I have links to, and found that on one of the blogs that I read daily, the writer had taken my blog off of her links. I have no idea when she made that decision, or what caused her to make the decision.

And that's the problem. I then started to try to figure out why my blog was removed. Did I do something to annoy her? Piss her off? Did she find my blog boring? And come to think of it, when is the last time she posted a comment on my blog?

This brought back all my insecurities of 8th grade, when I was suddenly "dropped" by a group of friends. I found myself replaying every conversation we had for months prior, trying to determine what, exactly caused the friendships to end.

But I'm 31 now. And this person is a stranger that I'll never ever meet. And I shouldn't care what she thinks of my blog.

but, but, but....I care. I think I'm stuck in 8th grade.



Anonymous said...

IF I had a blog, I would proudly have a link to your blog. I love to read your blog, laugh with you, cry with you...

b said...

Thanks Jeanne!

Anonymous said...

Don't ya just hate it when those old insecurities come back..

I look forward to reading your blog, someday maybe I'll get one of my own.

Nat said...

Morning:) well, its mronign here anyway
I love reading your blog, and I totally understand what you mean.
This might sound funny, but in the words of a guy who was going through a divorce, there were lots of people visiting his blog when he was dscribing the pain and all the problems, however, all that nearly stopped when he found happiness again. So only those who truly cared were still on his contact list

Nat said...

hey, I made it to your list too:)) I think you are the first person on the blogger to have done that, Thank you:)

I have all my favourite blogs on my favourites list on my computer, cause I dont know how to make a list on the actual blogger. I might try and put the links on today, if I have enough brain to do it.

Nick said...

For $20 (poker money) I will stalk her blog and make nasty comments...

Anonymous said...

You're no mommykonny, but I still read you.

Anonymous said...

ok. repeat. you have too much time on your hands. you need to come up with some plausible (acceptable) reasons why this happened and LET IT GO.

1. She became very busy & since she doesn't have time to read your blog all the time, she pulled the link off.
2. her list of links got too long.
3. She realized none of her 'followers' were using her links
4. there was a computer glitch that pulled the link off.

or SHE's a big meany on a power trip & you need to retaliate by posting mean comments on her blog--poking at her insecurities, etc.

OK so I too have many of my own friend insecurities... I don't like it when people don't like me...

Mrs. G.F. said...

I have done nothing with my blog roll lately... I have new blogs I read that aren't on there, and old ones I no longer read not on there. I don't want to take the time to update it.

A lot of friendships have an expiration date on them, I bet the same goes for blogging as well.


Anonymous said...

I hope whoever took you off her blog roll accidentally tucks her skirt into her underwear.

Alicia said...

Of course, I had to go through all your links... didn't find the the one that didn't have you listed. Retaliation is swift, eh?

b said...

Oh, I tok her name off immediately!

b said...

took, not tok

Dial-Up Princess said...

Hrmm...i can see your point. I have blogs I go through daily, yours included, and I get no comments...I wouldnt take it personally if I was you. It is what it is.

Erin said...

LOL. I would have felt the same way.

4texans said...

Well, maybe she just got busy and doesn't spend as much time on the internet...

I took a few off my list that hadn't- updated their blogs in FOREVER...but I know that's not the case with you b/c you are a consistent blogger.

I bet she just got busy...

allison said...

I had the same thing happen and it was a person who I consider a friend and whom I've actually met. I didn't ask her about it, but it did bother me at first. I guess I'll just leave it a mystery.

allison said...

I just wanted to add that I have more blogs on my bloglines than I do on my blogroll. I always add new ones that I visit to bloglines, but don't necessarily add them to my blogroll so others can visit too. Maybe I should!

Highlandgal said...

OK, all you people need to start naming names! I hate blind items!

b, I would be totally stung by such a thing. And it would be stupid to take it so personal, but that's the way I am.

The only people who I've de-linked were those that turned scary and those who never update. I run through my blogroll every day and I reach a point where I can't take one more click on a blog that hasn't changed in months. In all fairness, I've posted my policy on my blog so no one should be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »