Monday, August 21, 2006

It's The Little Things

Dear Joe,
Did I ever tell you that I loved smelling your hair?
You used Pert Plus shampoo
and I loved inhaling its smell
as I kissed the top of your head

I would have used it as well
(not just for the scent, but for the ease)
but it never untangled my tangles

After you died
I couldn't bear the thought
of throwing certain things away

Your pills stayed in the medicine cabinet
Your suits stayed in the closet
Your shoes stayed under the bed
and your shampoo stayed in the shower

It's the little things like those
that have kept you
a part of our home

For over two years now
I have sniffed at the bottle of shampoo
and felt your presence around me

On occasion
I've even washed the boys' hair with it
and held them close to me

Tonight something bad happened
The boys were playing in the bath
and of them (I'm not sure which, but it doesn't really matter)
got a hold of the Pert Plus

The cap came off
the bottle was placed under the running water
and just like that

It was gone

I know some will say I can replace the bottle
That was your last bottle
that was irreplaceable

One more thing
gone before I could stop it

It's the little things

You understand I'm sure
you always did



M said...

It's amazing how something as small as shampoo can be so important. But I know it is. I'm sorry it's gone. :o(

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog today left me feeling so guilty for the little things I take for granted with Prince. You probably don't realize it but your blogs often help me realize and better my self, thank you.

ramblingmuse said...

I'm sorry, b. I can only imagine the moment it happened and the realization afterwards.


MacGuffin said...

I'm not used to saying such things in public, but that was very sweet, B.

Nat said...

Oh,I am really sorry.It is the little things like this tht mater so much to us.

But the boys must smell really nice with all that shampoo in the bath..maybe its a way of Joe reminding you all these little things.

J.Rowe said...

It amazing the memories that smells are able to bring back. You can just get wrapped up in them. I'm sorry about the shampoo.

Leslie said...

I'm sorry. The little things are so important sometimes.

Mrs. G.F. said...

It is definatly all the little that mean sop much in the daily grind of life.

So sorry that you lost that "little" thing of Joe's.