Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Today is the first day of school for both Jacob and myself!

Wish us luck! We're both gonna need it.


p.s. happy Kel?


B.R.L said...

May the both of you have a good school year.
Came from Dr John's marathon.
I read your last post. I feel that you have a good friend and you can share and he knows where you are. Give it time.

Anonymous said...

Well, somewhat happy B...but I can still see the cookies, so it looks like it's going to take one more post! hehehehehe

Have a GREAT day, both of y'all! (Just couldn't resist...)

Louisiana said...

i hope that both studenst have had a good and exciting a wonderful single mom who is trying to do it all and doing a great job: congratulations..and hugs.

here from Dr. John's.


Your wish is my command. Good Luck!
Just passing by to say hello from Dr. John.

Margaret said...

Dr. John Marathoning' This afternoon!

Wishing you both luck! However, I can't stop my tummy from growling looking at those Peanut Butter Cookies in your last post.

If ever I had a chance to choose a last and final meal. These and a glass of milk would be my choice. LOL! Take care.

Anonymous said...

I hope you both had a fabulous day! How did the J's do separate today? What is your first impression of your class this year? How cool is it to be working so closely with Mel?