Sunday, October 01, 2006

Random Events From The Weekend

  • Went to a nice fair yesterday. Jacob was scared the whole time we were there, but Josh enjoyed it. Josh got a helium balloon, but Jacob was too scared to take one. On our walk home Jacob took the balloon from Josh and released it in the air. Josh started crying, and Jacob told him that he gave the balloon to daddy. Josh spent the rest of the weekend saying that daddy took his balloon, and he wants it back.
  • T and I had a kid free day today. Went to Starbucks this morning. Read the whole paper, and had great conversation. Went shopping at the mall, then out for lunch. Saw a horrible movie called, "The Science of Sleep." It's a foreign film that had amazing cinematography (sp?) but was too crazy of a story for either of us.
  • I may have gotten food poisoning at lunch b/c my stomach has been a mess since. I even used the bathroom at the movies, which I will only do in major emergencies b/c I have a huge phobia of going to the bathroom in public places. I won't even go at work.
  • I loved every minute I spent with T. The boys have really grown to like him too. Josh cried when he left this afternoon. He will make an amazing father someday. (If not to my kids, then to his own.)
  • My babysitter is wonderful. The boys love her, and while they napped today she cleaned the house. It was great to come home to a clean house. She even organized the playroom which was the messiest it had ever been.
  • I got to see jrowe, and baby Dylan. Made me realize how much I miss having them here.
  • This was a very good weekend indeed. (except for my stomach!)


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog makes me think. Reading your blog makes me smile.
I'm happy for you to have had such a pleasant weekend.

b said...

Walt, I loved Little Miss Sunshine, but couldn't get into this movie.

Jeanne, thanks!

Erin said...

Glad you had a great weekend! Really sounds like fun!

M said...

Yeah for great weekends!!!!!!! :o)