Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Here's A Good Story

This story pretty much sums up my mother. I should preface it by saying my mother clearly loves me, and adores my children. However...

My kids are both sick. I was called at work today saying that Josh had a fever. I took both boys to the doctor after school, and it turns out that Josh has Coxackie yet again. She then checked out Jacob just for the heck of it, and he has a double ear infection! Neither child has been complaining at all, so it's rather odd, but regardless, they can't go to daycare tomorrow.

I know that last time this happened I alleged that I couldn't miss work, and it was the truth. But I can't miss work tomorrow either. The math portion of the high stakes test is tomorrow, and I need to be at school to administer it. I also have a meeting scheduled about a boy I am worried about academically, and it would be very hard to reschedule it, due to the various people who are coming.

So I called my mom. The same mom who told me that she would quit her job and watch my boys if Joe died. I told her the situation. She told me that she would call me back.

Here was the conversation we had when she called back:

Mom: OK, I can do it.
me: Oh, that's so great. Thank you so much.
Mom: How much do you pay the babysitter?
me: um, $85 a day?
Mom: Great. You can pay me that.
me: um, ok.
Mom: See you tomorrow!

Now I have a feeling my sister will come to my mother's defense, saying that she only gets paid the days she works, so she is losing pay by watching my kids. And I understand that, and really have no problem paying her what I would have paid my sitter.

But it's strange, no?



M said...


Alicia said...


Other than that, I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

Yes, totally strange!

I'm sorry to hear the boys are both sick. Keep us posted on how they're doing...

Anonymous said...

Wow...I cannot believe it. That is sad. My family has filled in for me over the years...still do now so I can escape to the Cape sometimes (although I have started to leave my BIG girls alone). I watched my sister's little girls for a whole week last summer when my sister was between day care centers and they are coming here again for a week in June so my sister and her hubby can go away for their anniversary.
I took many days off without pay when my mom was sick with cancer 2 yrs ago.
That's what family does...without compensation.

Maisy said...

Hooooo yeah.

I don't have family close by to help me out in situations like these. I do however have the best family in the whole wide world right across the road. The parents are both shift workers at the hospital and have 3 daughters who have left school but still live at home. They have had my sick children on numerous 'have to work' days and hardly accept my thanks let alone payment!

Family. Even the best have their moments.


4texans said...

Wow, that is strange... Well, I guess, at least you have someone to watch the boys.

Anonymous said...

85 dollars a day???, damn thats some expensive daycare IMO

b said...

$85 a day comes to $10 an hour, which for 2 kids is considered cheap where I love.

Anonymous said...

Does mom read your blog?? Mel's comment made me laugh. Here's the story I always tell about our mother to describe her un-nuturing ways: When I delivered my son, I had a somewhat tough delivery (he was almost 10 pounds) and I separated my pelvis plus I had the worst headache of my life, which lasted 5 days. I could not walk, I could not go up and down the stairs. My mother came to NY, came to the hospital on the day I was being discharged, slept over my house the first night, and at 8 o'clock the next morning said, "Okay, I'm leaving now." I'm still pissed off about it.

nowwhatelmo said...

Wow. Sometimes Mother's just don't act like mothers. At least she is filling in for you. Hope they feel better soon.

MacGuffin said...

I say you have the boys give her the money. In ones and assorted change. "We were saving up," they can say, with no further explanation.

Dial-Up Princess said...

I like macguffin's suggestion. A lil passive aggressive but effective.
As for your mom..give her the money and accept it as is.You wont change her. Trying is futile. *hugs*****

My mom jokes about watching the kids for free BUT would NEVER actually take money. I've been blessed with great extended family.

b said...

I love macguffin's suggestion. Too funny!

In all honesty, I'm not upset about paying my mom. I just think it's funny. It does not surprise me, I have learned to expect such things.

But really, I am lucky that she took off work and watched to boys at all.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that she didn't take the $ but couldn't think past it at the time she needed to say yes to you...

I do think your Mom has done a lot of "growing up" since the stories like those of your sister's but she's got obviously got more to go...

Stuff like this just reminds me to appreciate my situation more. My Mom is away until Tuesday...FROM THURSDAY until prob THURSDAY again, I am on my own. And running scared...."grins".

b said...

RAD, she will take the money. No doubt. Again, I have no problem paying her, just think it's funny, in a strange kind of way.

J.Rowe said...

I'm glad she was able to watch the boys. Yes, you're right... it's odd with the $. I think you're lucky to have some family around and your brother has rocked as an uncle... that's pretty nice. It's tough not having any family close to us.
It is what it is. I hope the boys are well enough to follow through with your Memorial Day plans. You'll have any awesome time.

Anonymous said...

You should explain to her that your usual babysitter is Trinidadian, and that you pay her in Trinidadian Dollars. 85 Trinidadian dollars equals about 14 bucks, I believe. You can also direct her to area localities that offer the best exchange rates. That would be helpful.

Anonymous said...

It's not strange. I kind of like the idea of paying my mum to watch over my kids - if I had any. It would be kind of nice to repay her for putting up with my crap all those years I was growing up.

Personally I think $85 wouldn't even begin to make a dent in that. :-)

Mrs. G.F. said...

Yes, it does a little.

One would think she's just do it for you.


Leslie said...

I remember once you commented on my blog and wondered if maybe we had the same mother. I'm starting to believe you may be right about that. ;)

Highlandgal said...

Oh my God. I am in complete shock. Is this supposed to be some lesson or something? Just bizarre.

Anonymous said...

So...did she take the money?

b said...

Oh yes, she took the money.

H-Gal, no lesson, just my mom being my mom.

LW, if I told you about my childhood (which I'll spare you the details of) you might argue that my mother owes me money, not the other way around :O)